Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rev: 002 - Weed Planted In Your Mind

Weed in Your Mind

Mathew 13:25
25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way.

I had a dream that i saw a man in my dreams and he had placed weed in the toilet, i put my hand into the toilet and pulled out the weed, and i said is this yours? Then the dream ended. 

The purpose of the enemy is to place LIES in your mind while you sleep, WEEDS, that will eventually grow into your belief system which works by THOUGHTS -> ACTIONS -> HABITS -> CHARACTER -> DESTINY. 

We must embrace TRUTH, we must fight for the truth and eat the truth everyday. We must fight because we are in a war. Would you sleep on the battlefield, how about the Vietnam war. 

This war is worse, you cant see it with your eyes but it exists. 

To prevent this, stay in prayer, Jesus said, stay awake and pray! I must confess i have not cultivated a habit of praying through the night, but i feel there are times where this is a must. Every night witches are sending curses and demons your way to destroy your body and your family and your job and your destiny. 

Ask the Lord to pull up, uproot, tear up, destroy and dry up every weed and tare of the enemy. Send your word and heal me Lord, fill my mind with your truth, for your truth sets me free and he who the Son sets free is free indeed! Cleanse my mind with the washing of the water of your Word, and create in me a clean heart and clean mind by the power of your word, by the power of your blood, by the power of your spirit! 

Everytime you eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, your spiritual body needs to be fed its spiritual breakfast, lunch and dinner. What happens if you dont eat physically? How many days can you last? 10 without food? It is the same with your spiritual body, if you dont eat spiritual meals, you will be weak for the war. The Lord is your strength, the Holy Spirit strengthens your body according to Ephesians 3:16, YOUR JOB is to READ, FEED, and STUDY the scriptures. Eat them like a sheep and a cow eats, eat each one slowly and meditate, think, ponder, ask yourself what each scripture means. The spirit will strengthen you as you eat the scriptures. 

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